6:10PM 22 March 2016
When I focus on what I do not have or all the things I wish I had, I see how very low that makes me feel. The recognition of the absence of something certainly has a way of making us feel incomplete. My self esteem droops like the puffy sagging cheeks of an old overweight man and I find myself feeling incapacitated.
Many times I have observed myself saying 'If only I had this, It would be different if I had that.."
And when I do get those things not much changes to be honest. So when do I feel better about myself?
When do I experience a fullness to life?
When I write! Knowing that there are hundreds of people being inspired by my words daily.
When I perform on stage! Knowing that my music soothes and heals and calms and entertains. When I paint someone's makeup! Knowing that yet again, I have helped make another girl appreciate herself even more. All of these things I have been blessed with and they are all very powerful gifts indeed!
When do I experience a fullness to life?
When I write! Knowing that there are hundreds of people being inspired by my words daily.
When I perform on stage! Knowing that my music soothes and heals and calms and entertains. When I paint someone's makeup! Knowing that yet again, I have helped make another girl appreciate herself even more. All of these things I have been blessed with and they are all very powerful gifts indeed!
Our lives become full only when we decide to stop looking at everything that is outside of us and begin to look within trusting that we already have all we need to get through the current level we find ourselves in Life.
Understanding that we are all on different paths and constantly on different levels is the first step to freeing ourselves from the constant comparisons we find ourselves making.
We are always so quick to think that because we are in the same grouping as so and so person then we should have what they have, live how they live. But of course we continually judge how great other peoples lives are looking from the outside in.
If you had the chance to really swap lives with someone you thought was better than you, Including all of their past baggage, their problems, their family feuds, their diseases, their annoying spouses, their mouth odor, the spiritual history of all of the people they have slept with, their sins, all their wealth, and so on that really makes up the combination of our human experience- you might begin to reconsider.
Where you are is where you are.
You must learn to accept that.
The more I withdrew from the physical tangible things and began to focus on the intangible, the non material, the more spiritual part of myself, the more Valuable and worthy I felt. My self confidence increased as I exercised those parts of me that had nothing to do with what material possessions I have acquired or not acquired.
I felt better and better and better about myself the more I understood that I could positively affect people by exercising my gifts.
Whatever word you want to use. Isn't that all we really have?
As we give time in exchange for the utilizing of our gifts we increase our value and self worth. But there is a catch!
You have got to set your mind on using your gifts to serve people, not for your selfish needs.
The minute you go off the plane of 'Me' 'Me' 'Me' and hop on the plane of 'Us' 'We' 'You' 'Them' your life begins to change.
You find yourself exercising your gifts with ease as you are no longer hosed into the world and space of the ego but rather working with spirit and soul and with a heart that wants to share, wants to give, wants to inspire, wants to add value.
I would give you a quick example hoping to help you understand this even better.
For a long time I battled with writing.
The first time I set up a blog I was very excited to share my life and my experiences. And then after a while that excitement waned and I saw that I wanted more out of blogging.
Realizing that I could earn money through blogging, I then began to research on that and ultimately started to focus on 'how to make money blogging' that I completely forgot how to blog.
In fact I didn't know how to write for the pure joy of it any longer. Then the posts became irregular and the blogging jinx was off me. Leaving of course a great deal of followers I had amassed over the years unsatisfied.
Recently I picked up writing again and dedicated myself to writing books as Writing a book has been a childhood dream of mine since I was six years old.
And as I began to toil to awaken my passion for writing, I realized there were other little quick notes I still had unwritten and unpublished in my heart that I wanted to get out of me.
Of course this meant that I would have to blog again. So I began again. Blogging.
But it wasn't until writing this particular post today that I have reconnected to why I write these notes in the first place.
It is no longer about Me wanting to write.
It is no longer about me wanting to blog.
It is no longer about Me keeping a schedule.
My why has changed. Hence my passion has found a good soil to grow itself out of. This is the most important thing.
Now I blog because I want to share the things I have learned in life with you with the hopes that you can take them and apply them to your own life and my experiences can help you grow.
The more I focus on this, the more eager I am to get up tomorrow morning and do it all over again.
We each must come to this place in our lives at some point. For a long time many of us would run around and around and around in circles trying to figure life out, trying to make money, trying to excel at our careers. However until why we do what we do becomes bigger than our ambitions, until the reason why we do what we do expands to fill the need of others and help them grow too, until we are able to determine what sort of value we bring to people and decide to do what we do for the giving of this value, we might be running around in circles for a very long time indeed.
I know you feel invaluable. A part of you feels unworthy. You do not feel as confident as you once were and you constantly wish that things were different for you.
You are sad and cannot believe the things you are going through. You look at life and see all of the hardship you have yet to endure and it is all tough, tough, tough.
So many times you have cried to God and asked him for help. And sometimes you have wondered why all of these things have to happen to you.
Here's the truth I have learned.
Life is trying to show you how worthy and valuable you are but sometimes it is more important to life that you understand what it means to feel unworthy.
Life is trying to lead you to a better place, but sometimes you have to go through the bad as it is the only way to appreciate the good when it does come.
And for many of us, the fight is even harder as we must fight to hold on to the gifts we have been blessed with. Sometimes things just get so tough so that we can push ourselves to exercise our gifts to their maximum capacity, so that we can expand, so that we can grow.
We learn through pain, this much is true.
So stop for a minute and look away from all of the things you believe is wrong, look away from all the things you wish you had but do not have, look away from all the places you wish you could go but cannot go. Where you are is right where God wants you to be. This is the place he can use you. Understand how very profound this statement is.
This is where God can use you. He is taking you to someplace greater but how can he be sure you can function there if he cannot test your faith where you are now?
Know that you are valuable. And your value to God is not determined by your bank account, the things you have, the material possessions you have acquired. Your value to God is far more precious than these things.
Today I was speaking to a friend of mine and he said "God doesn't care about the kind of car you drive, he just cares that you can win souls for him."
How incredibly profound is that!
Here's what I need you to do. Right now, determine what it is you have. Your gifts. Ponder within yourself and ask God to show you how to utilize your gifts for the benefit of the world.
Please know that the world for you and anyone at all is your immediate environment. Where you are right now.
Your world isn't some big vast space with 7 Billion people. Your world is where you are. The street you live in, your community, your school, your place of work. That's your world.
And as you begin to exercise your skills in your world, you would find that you begin to expand and what you call your world expands as well.
So think about your gifts in terms of
-what it is
-why you do it
-who you do it for
-how they change as a result of it or the value for them
Begin to think of 'Them Them Them'
How do you want them to feel because you came? How do you want them to change because you did it, because you said it, because you wrote it, because you painted it, because you performed, because you designed it, because you baked it, because you built it, because you were there. When you figure this out and are willing to hop off the plane of 'Me' and focus on 'Them', the path to a Richer and more Fulfilled life would open itself up for you.
At this point the issue of motivation or inspiration to do your work becomes a blur as you are now thinking of how to improve peoples lives and not just how much you could potentially make.
This is the point where you go from Me Me Me to Them Them Them.
And as you begin to do for them, you find that you inadvertently do for you too! How cool is life?
Now what are you going to do?
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